Equipment Requirements

A limited number of loaner weapons will be available for all events. For participants wanting to use their own training weapons please refer to the guidelines below. If you have any questions, please contact for clarifications

Team Event

The team event this year will use synthetic sabers and cutlasses.  Particpants will rolla D20 at the start of each match.  The lowest two rolls that are above 1 will be given cutlasses for the duration of the match.  In the event of a Critical Fail roll, the fencer must use their non-dominant hand.

Rawling baskethilt and Purpleheart Polish sabers will be available, as well as synthetic “cutlasses” from Purpleheart.


Weapons must have blades of no more than 35″ in length. Modern foil guards and French grips may be used. Standard foil and epee blades are acceptable, as are double wide epee blades. Castille smallswords/smarra and blades modified by A&A, Jacob Armoury and Benjamen Arms are acceptable.

Standard No. 2 epee blades mounted on ambidextrous grips will be provided.

Light gloves are required.

Dueling Saber

Blades must be no more than 35″ in length and no more than 350g.  Acceptable dueling sabers include: Hanwei Pecoraro, Radaelli, and Hutton Sabers, Castille 16mm and 20mm blades, Darkwood Armory dueling saber, VB Gymnasium v3+, Regenyei Duelist.  Note that some “spadroon” or short rapier blades do meet the requirements for length and mass and will be allowed.  Modern Olympic Saber blades will not be allowed.

Padded gloves are required for most sabers.  Heavier gloves are recommended in general, and required for guards that provide minimal protection.

Loaner weapons will be available and require heavier gloves.


Safety Equipment

All participants *must* have the following to participate in the tournaments:

  • Long athletic pants with no bare skin exposed (fencing knickers with long socks are acceptable – kilts and socks are OK too, provided no skin is exposed)
  • Non-marking athletic shoes
  • Three weapon fencing mask or better with back of the head protection
  • Minimum of a 3 weapon fencing jacket (additional torso protection is encouraged)
  • Testicular protection where appropriate
  • Rigid Elbow protection (Not required for Smallsword)
  • Rigid Knee protection (Not required for Smallsword)
  • Shin protection is not required (shins are not a target in any event)
  • Forearm guards (Not required for Smallsword)
  • Gloves for both hands
      • Dueling Saber: light padded gloves are the minimum (see above for exceptions)
      • Smallsword: light leather gloves
      • Team Event: Heavy hand protection (Lacrosse gloves are the bare minimum)
  • Throat guard

A limited number of loaner fencing plastrons, forearm, elbow, throat guards, and LAX gloves will be available.

The 2024 Brass Frog Assault of Arms is sponsored by
the HEMA Alliance and Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research

Additional Sponsors